Friday, March 14, 2008

Eastern Phoebe

This is the time of year I'm torn between watching the birds migrating through Marietta and painting. Since it's raining today, I'm free to paint and chose this little Phoebe. I took the photo last fall through my living room window. This is my very first painting on suedeboard (Thanks, Holly!); I decided to try it, as it seemed appropriate for this sweet-faced little bird.
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HOLLY'S ART said...

The bird is what do you think of painting on suede?

bug said...

Thanks, Holly. I LOVE painting on the suede; the pastel just seems to flow on the suede, and I only used Giraults. I can't wait to do more.

Karen said...

Beautiful bird Jayne!!! I hope you are pleased. I haven't tried the suede yet but I won't cause then I will need more Giraults!!!

bug said...

Thanks, Karen. I am pleased with the way this one turned out really like the suede paper. Holly uses pastels other than Girault very successfully, so they're not essential. Of course, we always need more Giraults, don't we???

Elaine said...

I love both the little bird and the rooster - they have such personality.

bug said...

Thanks, Elaine. If only I could paint them in a landscape! Oh well, look for lots more birds....